domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

How Teachers should Disign Their Class

There are some teachers who divide their class between smart children and slow students. In addition, this problem is always happening inside classrooms. At the same time, this method does not bring about benefits as in theory teachers suppose it will. In other words, what teachers need is integrate everyone in order to build an equal class.

Nowadays the government has invested a lot of money in order to have better teachers. However, the results have not been positives. In fact, until today antique methods are been applied by teachers which are not appropriates for their students such as: separate the class in groups as intelligent students and slow pupils. As Jane Jacobs in the death and life of great American cities says that this idea of showing people what they can not to do or get only causes negative consequence in their minds because they tend to focus on their weakness (5-7).

On the other hand, Hardly ever have students the opportunity to been sited in circle. Many mentors think that the discipline will be incontrollable. Nevertheless, Malcolm Gladwell, in disigns for working says that it is a good instance for people to be in the center of the room because they have the facility to share their opinions and receive feedback for part of their classmates (60). Therefore, this activity helps students to understand that it is essential for them to work in group because they can find out other solutions to the problem. In addition, when students have the instruction complete clear the discipline is thoroughly manipulated.

Finally, if only teachers understood that children are different maybe discrimination would not exist. What children need is to feel that they are the principal characters of the class and teachers should give them the instance to express their opinion. This method will transform the class in something dynamic and equal.